
Card and notebook for Daniella

Hi there!

Yesterday I was invited to Daniella's birthday party, so I decided to make some presents for her that I hope she liked. First I made her a notebook. I didn't record myself because recently I made THIS ONE for my friend Margarita and there is already a video that you can watch if you are interested on how I make notebooks. Every present needs at least a card so I also made a birthday card for her and yes, there is a video about how I made it at the end of this entry. Yay!

Now I have a problem... I have enjoyed a lot making these two notebooks... and I want to make more! I think I'm starting a new addiction... omg! The supply list is at the end. Hope you like it and get inspired. Have fun!


Ahir estava convidada a la festa d'aniversari de la Daniella, així que vaig decidir fer-li uns regalets que espero que li agradéssin. Primer vaig fer-li una llibreta. No em vaig grabar perquè fa poc que he fet AQUESTA per la meva amiga Margarita i ja hi ha un video que pots mirar si estás interessat/da en com faig llibretes. Cada regal necessita com a mínim una postal, així que també vaig fer-li una postal d'aniversari i sí, hi ha un video de com la vaig fer al final de l'entrada. Visca!

Ara tinc un problema... m'ho he passat molt bé fent aquestes dues llibretes... i en vull fer mes!! Em sembla que estic començant amb una nova adicció... mare meva! La llista dels materials està al final. Espero que t'agradi i que t'inspiri. Diverteix-te!

- Colored with: Spectrum noir
- Notebook's papers: American Crafts - Dear Lizzy Neapolitan digitals
- Notebook's girl: HJ-Story
- Card's papers: Lawn Fawn "perfectly plaid petite pack", "sweater weather petite pack"and "let's polka in the meadow petite pack".
- Stamps: Lawn Fawn "ready, set, shake" and "so jelly"
- Dies: Lawn Fawn "ready, set, snow shaker".
- Enamels and sequins.


Assembling a Kithouse

Hi there,

There is a Catalan company called Kithouse that makes beautiful kits of really cute houses that you can build and decorate yourself. The kit contains all the papers that you need to decorate the house, the material for the windows and the instructions. You only need a pencil, a craft knife and glue. They have different sizes of houses and also some of them are not only for decoration, you can use as a pencils case, tissue box, etc. Take a look at their website!

I bought three houses and in the video I show you how to assemble one. As you will see, the house is not the same than in the pictures, but both are easy to assemble. The supply list is at the end. Hope you like it and get inspired. Have fun!


Hi ha una empresa catalana que es diu Kithouse que fan uns preciosos kits per què decoris i montis unes casetes realment boniques. El kit conté tots els papers que necessites per decorar la casa, el material per les finestres i les instruccions. Només necessites un llàpis, un cuter i cola. Tenen diferents tamanys de cases i també n'hi ha que no només son per decoració, sinó que les pots fer servir per guardar llàpissos, mocadors, etc. Dona-li una ullada a la seva web!

Vaig comprar tres cases i en el vídeo et mostro com montar-ne una. Com veuràs, no és la mateixa de les fotos però ambdues son fàcils de montar. La llista dels materials està al final. Espero que t'agradi i que t'inspiri. Diverteix-te!

- Carrer espelma de Kithouse.
- Casa espelma de Kithouse.


Notebook for a friend

Hi there,

I made this notebook for my dear friend Margarita. She came to visit us for a couple of weeks. I printed the digital papers from Simple Stories to make the covers and also used them to design the papers inside where she can write. If you want to see how I made it, just click the video below. The supply list is at the end. Hope you like it and get inspired. Have fun!


He fet aquesta llibreta per la meva estimada amiga Margarita. Va venir a visitar-nos per un parell de setmanes. Vaig imprimir els papers digitals de Simple Stories per fer les portades i també els vaig fer servir per dissenyar els papers de dins perquè escrigui. Si vols veure com la vaig fer, només has de clicar en el video de sota. La llista dels materials està al final i el botó de traducció a la dreta del blog. Espero que t'agradi i que t'inspiri. Diverteix-te!

- Simple Stories digital papers: I AM collection