
Shaker Christmas card for Marta

Hi there!

This is the fourth card that I made this Christmas and this one is for my dear friend Marta. I'm very happy because she liked it so much. Also she sended a really nice card to me that is in my dinning-living room. Thank you so much, Marta! I adore you!

For this one I used the same papers as in the one that I made with Tim Holtz's Snowglobe dies.

Also I want to tell you that I will make a brake until the 9th of January, because I want to spend this days with family and friends. As you know, I'm currently living in Denmark (but I'm from Barcelona). My boyfried moved to Basel (Switzerland) some months ago. He arrived yesterday and he is going to be here for two weeks to spend Christmas with me, our dogs and friends. So I want to spend these days with him. Also, I'm going to be working in some changes that I want to do on my blog and Youtube chanel. I already changed a few little thing but I want to do something more. My boyfriend will go back to Basel the 8th so I will publish again the 9th. Hope you have a merry Christmas and a very happy and funny New Year.

Enjoy the video and have fun! Have a nice day.


Aquesta és la quarta postal que he fet per aquest Nadal i aquesta concretament és per la meva estimada Marta. Estic molt contenta perquè li ha agradat moltíssim. Ella també me n'ha enviat una  que m'encanta i està en el meu menjador. Moltes gràcies Marta! T'adoro!

Per aquesta he fet servir els mateixos papers que vaig fer servir per la de la bola de neu del Tim Holtz.

També et vull explicar que faré una pausa fins al 9 de Gener, perquè vull passar aquests dies amb la familia i els amics. Com sabràs, actualment estic vivint a Dinamarca (però sóc de Sabadell, Barcelona). El meu xicot es va mudar a Bassilea (Suïssa) fa uns mesos. Ahir va arrivar i es quedarà dues setmanes aquí per passar el Nadal amb mi, els nostres gossos i els amics. Així que vull passar aquests dies amb ell. També vull fer alguns canvis al blog i al canal de Youtube. De fet ja he fet alguns canvis, però vull fer algunes cosestes més. El meu xicot tornarà a Bassilea el 8 de Gener així que tornaré a publicar el 9. Espero que passis un bon Nadal i un molt feliç i divertit Any Nou.

Disfruta del vídeo i diverteix-te! Que tinguis un bon dia.


Chrismas shaker card for Joana

Hi there,

This is the third Christmas card that I made this year. This time I can tell you that I made it for my friend Joana, because she already have it. I made a shaker card with a lot of glitter. I like to use glitter on my projects but then I found it everywhere, don't you? In any case, I'm happy that she like it.

I hope you like it too and enjoy the video. Have a nice day!


Aquesta és la tercera postal de Nadal que faig aquest any. Aquesta vegada puc dir-te que l'he fet per la meva amiga Joana, perquè ja l'ha rebut. He fet una postal "shaker" amb una pila de purpurina. M'encata fer servir purpurina en els meus projectes però després me la trobo per tot arreu, tu no? En qualsevol cas, estic contenta de que li hagi agradat.

Espero que a tu també t'agradi i que disfrutis del video. Que passis un bon dia!

- Lawn Fawn: Scalloped rectangle stackables and large stitched oval stackables.
- Florilèges: Outils de découpe PAYSAGES D'HIVER x3


Tim Holtz's Snowglobe Christmas Card

Hi there!

This is the second Christmas card that I made for friends and family. I used the new Tim Holtz's Snowglobe die, that I love and I think you can use it all year round, not only for Christmas. Even you can make cards without using the snowball pieces. It takes a little bit of time to assemble all the parts but the result is amazing. I made the card using a bunch of different papers that I also show you in the video.

I hope you like it and enjoy the video. Have a nice day!


Aquesta és la segona postal de Nadal que he fet per amics o familia. He fet servir els nous troquels del Tim Holtz de la bola de neu, que m'encanta i penso que es pot fer servir durant tot l'any, no només per Nadal. Fins i tot pots fer postals sense fer servir les peces de bola de neu. Porta una bona estona montar totes les parts però el resultat és xulíssim. He fet la postal fent servir una pila de papers diferents que també et mostro en el video.

Espero que t'agradi i que disfrutis del video. Que passis un bon dia! 

Tim Holtz:  Distress ink Black Soot, 661603 Snowglobe


Vintage Christmas Card

Hi there!

During this week and the next one I'm going to show you all the Christmas cards that I made for friends and family. This is the first one that I made and I really like it. I love all the new Christmas stamps from Tim Holtz and I decided to make a vintage look card.

I hope you like it and enjoy the video. Have a nice day!


Durant aquesta setmana i la propera t'ensenyaré totes les postals de Nadal que he fet per amics i familia. Aquesta és la primera que he fet i m'encanta com ha quedat. M'agraden molt tots els nous segells de Nadal del Tim Holtz i he decidit fer una postal amb un toc antic.

Espero que t'agradi i que disfrutis del video. Que passis un bon dia! 

Lawn Fawn: Scalloped Rectangle Stackables, Small Stitched Rectangle Stackables, Oval Stitched Oval Stackables, Large Stitched Oval Stackables
Tim Holtz: Distress Ink Vintage Photo, CMS281 Stripes and Holiday, CMS284 Holiday Drawing.


Christmas decoration

Hi there,

Today I decided to paint a wood Christmas decoration that I bought in the convention a month ago. I wasn't shure if to paint it in a traditional way(you know, a tree green, etc...) or not (the tree was painted in red with white dots in the sample that I saw in the stand). At the end I decided to paint it in a traditional way because maybe in the future I will not like to see a red tree with white dots at home. Or maybe not, who knows!

It seems that when I made this videos I make everything so fast but it took me the hole morning to make it. Anyway, I hope you like it and enjoy the video. Have a nice day!


Avuí he decidit pintar una decoració de fusta de Nadal que vaig comprar al Creativa fa un mes. No estava segura si pintar-la de manera tradicional (ja saps, l'arbre verd, etc..) o no (l'arbre estava pintat vermell amb punts blancs a la mostra que vaig veure al stand). Al final he decidit pintar-lo de manera tradiconal perquè potser en el futur em cansaré de veure un arbre vermell amb punts blancs a casa. O potser no, qui sap!

Sembla que quan faig aquests vídeos ho faig tot molt ràpid però he trigat tot el matí per fer-ho. De qualsevol manera, espero que t'agradi i disfrutis del vídeo. Que tinguis un bon dia!



Tim Holtz's Christmas Shadow Box

Hi there!

A few days ago I travelled to Barcelona to attend two courses by Vicky Papaioannou. We made an Art Journal page and a Christmas Shadow box (the big one in a picture below). I had a lot of fun! Today I decided to make another one using this little house from Tim Holtz. Recently I bought a lot of Tim Holtz stuff, so I have a lot of things to decorate it, but sadly the house is not big enought for everthing I wanted to put inside. I wanted to put inside a small Santa Claus and I run out of space... oooooh! Well, he will go somewhere in my house. I also made some modifications in the one that I made with Vicky after doing the little one. I decided that the washi tape around the little one makes it more nice so I did the same with the big one and glued a couple of things (the 25 up in the right corner and some gold pearls in the tree).

The supply list is at the end. Hope you like it and get inspired. Have fun and enjoy the video!


Fa uns quants dies vaig viatjar a Barcelona per assistir a un parell de cursos amb la Vicky Papaioannou. Vam fer una plana d'Art Journal i una Shadow Box de Nadal (la gran de les fotos). M'ho vaig passar molt bé! Avuí he decidit fer-ne una altra fent servir la caseta del Tim Holtz. Recentment he comprat una pila de coses del Tim Holtz, així que tinc una pila de material per decorar-la, pero tristement la caseta no es prou gran per tot el que hi volia posar. Li volia posar a dins un petit Santa Claus que tinc però em vaig quedar sense espai... oooooh! Bé, ja li trovaré un lloc per casa. També he fet algunes modificacions a la que vaig fer amb la Vicky després de fer la petita. M'ha semblat que el washi tape al voltant de la petita li donava un millor acabat així que li he fet el mateix a la gran i he enganxat un parell de cosetes (el 25 que es veu a dalt a la dreta i unes quantes perles daurades a l'arbre).

La llista dels materials està al final. Espero que t'agradi i que t'inspiri. Diverteix-te i disfruta del vídeo!

- Maja Designs: I Wish
- Tim Holtz: Adornaments Ice Skates, Adornaments wreaths, Corked Domes, Decorative Deer, Design tape tidings, Ephemera Festive, Vignette Box House


Some more ATC's

Hi there,

More ATC's! I can't stop making them. I enjoy to make them, but the best part is to open the mailbox and found an envelope that is not a bill, hahaha! And then put all together in the album and fall in love with all the creations. Really beautiful! This is a short entry today. So enjoy the pictures, have fun and I hope I inspire you! And if you want to exchange ATCs with me, just let me know in a comment below.

Have a nice day!


Més ATC's! No puc parar de fer-ne. Disfruto molt fent-les, però la millor part és obrir la bústia i trovar un sobre que no es una factura, hahaha!! I després posar-les totes juntes a l'àlbum i enamorar-te de les creacions. Realment maco! Avuí l'entrada és curteta, així que disfruta de les fotos, diverteix-te i espero haver-te inspirat. I si vols intercanviar ATCs amb mi, fes-m'ho saber amb un comentari a sota. 

Que tinguis un bonic dia!