
Shaker Christmas card for Marta

Hi there!

This is the fourth card that I made this Christmas and this one is for my dear friend Marta. I'm very happy because she liked it so much. Also she sended a really nice card to me that is in my dinning-living room. Thank you so much, Marta! I adore you!

For this one I used the same papers as in the one that I made with Tim Holtz's Snowglobe dies.

Also I want to tell you that I will make a brake until the 9th of January, because I want to spend this days with family and friends. As you know, I'm currently living in Denmark (but I'm from Barcelona). My boyfried moved to Basel (Switzerland) some months ago. He arrived yesterday and he is going to be here for two weeks to spend Christmas with me, our dogs and friends. So I want to spend these days with him. Also, I'm going to be working in some changes that I want to do on my blog and Youtube chanel. I already changed a few little thing but I want to do something more. My boyfriend will go back to Basel the 8th so I will publish again the 9th. Hope you have a merry Christmas and a very happy and funny New Year.

Enjoy the video and have fun! Have a nice day.


Aquesta és la quarta postal que he fet per aquest Nadal i aquesta concretament és per la meva estimada Marta. Estic molt contenta perquè li ha agradat moltíssim. Ella també me n'ha enviat una  que m'encanta i està en el meu menjador. Moltes gràcies Marta! T'adoro!

Per aquesta he fet servir els mateixos papers que vaig fer servir per la de la bola de neu del Tim Holtz.

També et vull explicar que faré una pausa fins al 9 de Gener, perquè vull passar aquests dies amb la familia i els amics. Com sabràs, actualment estic vivint a Dinamarca (però sóc de Sabadell, Barcelona). El meu xicot es va mudar a Bassilea (Suïssa) fa uns mesos. Ahir va arrivar i es quedarà dues setmanes aquí per passar el Nadal amb mi, els nostres gossos i els amics. Així que vull passar aquests dies amb ell. També vull fer alguns canvis al blog i al canal de Youtube. De fet ja he fet alguns canvis, però vull fer algunes cosestes més. El meu xicot tornarà a Bassilea el 8 de Gener així que tornaré a publicar el 9. Espero que passis un bon Nadal i un molt feliç i divertit Any Nou.

Disfruta del vídeo i diverteix-te! Que tinguis un bon dia.


Chrismas shaker card for Joana

Hi there,

This is the third Christmas card that I made this year. This time I can tell you that I made it for my friend Joana, because she already have it. I made a shaker card with a lot of glitter. I like to use glitter on my projects but then I found it everywhere, don't you? In any case, I'm happy that she like it.

I hope you like it too and enjoy the video. Have a nice day!


Aquesta és la tercera postal de Nadal que faig aquest any. Aquesta vegada puc dir-te que l'he fet per la meva amiga Joana, perquè ja l'ha rebut. He fet una postal "shaker" amb una pila de purpurina. M'encata fer servir purpurina en els meus projectes però després me la trobo per tot arreu, tu no? En qualsevol cas, estic contenta de que li hagi agradat.

Espero que a tu també t'agradi i que disfrutis del video. Que passis un bon dia!

- Lawn Fawn: Scalloped rectangle stackables and large stitched oval stackables.
- Florilèges: Outils de découpe PAYSAGES D'HIVER x3


Tim Holtz's Snowglobe Christmas Card

Hi there!

This is the second Christmas card that I made for friends and family. I used the new Tim Holtz's Snowglobe die, that I love and I think you can use it all year round, not only for Christmas. Even you can make cards without using the snowball pieces. It takes a little bit of time to assemble all the parts but the result is amazing. I made the card using a bunch of different papers that I also show you in the video.

I hope you like it and enjoy the video. Have a nice day!


Aquesta és la segona postal de Nadal que he fet per amics o familia. He fet servir els nous troquels del Tim Holtz de la bola de neu, que m'encanta i penso que es pot fer servir durant tot l'any, no només per Nadal. Fins i tot pots fer postals sense fer servir les peces de bola de neu. Porta una bona estona montar totes les parts però el resultat és xulíssim. He fet la postal fent servir una pila de papers diferents que també et mostro en el video.

Espero que t'agradi i que disfrutis del video. Que passis un bon dia! 

Tim Holtz:  Distress ink Black Soot, 661603 Snowglobe


Vintage Christmas Card

Hi there!

During this week and the next one I'm going to show you all the Christmas cards that I made for friends and family. This is the first one that I made and I really like it. I love all the new Christmas stamps from Tim Holtz and I decided to make a vintage look card.

I hope you like it and enjoy the video. Have a nice day!


Durant aquesta setmana i la propera t'ensenyaré totes les postals de Nadal que he fet per amics i familia. Aquesta és la primera que he fet i m'encanta com ha quedat. M'agraden molt tots els nous segells de Nadal del Tim Holtz i he decidit fer una postal amb un toc antic.

Espero que t'agradi i que disfrutis del video. Que passis un bon dia! 

Lawn Fawn: Scalloped Rectangle Stackables, Small Stitched Rectangle Stackables, Oval Stitched Oval Stackables, Large Stitched Oval Stackables
Tim Holtz: Distress Ink Vintage Photo, CMS281 Stripes and Holiday, CMS284 Holiday Drawing.


Christmas decoration

Hi there,

Today I decided to paint a wood Christmas decoration that I bought in the convention a month ago. I wasn't shure if to paint it in a traditional way(you know, a tree green, etc...) or not (the tree was painted in red with white dots in the sample that I saw in the stand). At the end I decided to paint it in a traditional way because maybe in the future I will not like to see a red tree with white dots at home. Or maybe not, who knows!

It seems that when I made this videos I make everything so fast but it took me the hole morning to make it. Anyway, I hope you like it and enjoy the video. Have a nice day!


Avuí he decidit pintar una decoració de fusta de Nadal que vaig comprar al Creativa fa un mes. No estava segura si pintar-la de manera tradicional (ja saps, l'arbre verd, etc..) o no (l'arbre estava pintat vermell amb punts blancs a la mostra que vaig veure al stand). Al final he decidit pintar-lo de manera tradiconal perquè potser en el futur em cansaré de veure un arbre vermell amb punts blancs a casa. O potser no, qui sap!

Sembla que quan faig aquests vídeos ho faig tot molt ràpid però he trigat tot el matí per fer-ho. De qualsevol manera, espero que t'agradi i disfrutis del vídeo. Que tinguis un bon dia!



Tim Holtz's Christmas Shadow Box

Hi there!

A few days ago I travelled to Barcelona to attend two courses by Vicky Papaioannou. We made an Art Journal page and a Christmas Shadow box (the big one in a picture below). I had a lot of fun! Today I decided to make another one using this little house from Tim Holtz. Recently I bought a lot of Tim Holtz stuff, so I have a lot of things to decorate it, but sadly the house is not big enought for everthing I wanted to put inside. I wanted to put inside a small Santa Claus and I run out of space... oooooh! Well, he will go somewhere in my house. I also made some modifications in the one that I made with Vicky after doing the little one. I decided that the washi tape around the little one makes it more nice so I did the same with the big one and glued a couple of things (the 25 up in the right corner and some gold pearls in the tree).

The supply list is at the end. Hope you like it and get inspired. Have fun and enjoy the video!


Fa uns quants dies vaig viatjar a Barcelona per assistir a un parell de cursos amb la Vicky Papaioannou. Vam fer una plana d'Art Journal i una Shadow Box de Nadal (la gran de les fotos). M'ho vaig passar molt bé! Avuí he decidit fer-ne una altra fent servir la caseta del Tim Holtz. Recentment he comprat una pila de coses del Tim Holtz, així que tinc una pila de material per decorar-la, pero tristement la caseta no es prou gran per tot el que hi volia posar. Li volia posar a dins un petit Santa Claus que tinc però em vaig quedar sense espai... oooooh! Bé, ja li trovaré un lloc per casa. També he fet algunes modificacions a la que vaig fer amb la Vicky després de fer la petita. M'ha semblat que el washi tape al voltant de la petita li donava un millor acabat així que li he fet el mateix a la gran i he enganxat un parell de cosetes (el 25 que es veu a dalt a la dreta i unes quantes perles daurades a l'arbre).

La llista dels materials està al final. Espero que t'agradi i que t'inspiri. Diverteix-te i disfruta del vídeo!

- Maja Designs: I Wish
- Tim Holtz: Adornaments Ice Skates, Adornaments wreaths, Corked Domes, Decorative Deer, Design tape tidings, Ephemera Festive, Vignette Box House


Some more ATC's

Hi there,

More ATC's! I can't stop making them. I enjoy to make them, but the best part is to open the mailbox and found an envelope that is not a bill, hahaha! And then put all together in the album and fall in love with all the creations. Really beautiful! This is a short entry today. So enjoy the pictures, have fun and I hope I inspire you! And if you want to exchange ATCs with me, just let me know in a comment below.

Have a nice day!


Més ATC's! No puc parar de fer-ne. Disfruto molt fent-les, però la millor part és obrir la bústia i trovar un sobre que no es una factura, hahaha!! I després posar-les totes juntes a l'àlbum i enamorar-te de les creacions. Realment maco! Avuí l'entrada és curteta, així que disfruta de les fotos, diverteix-te i espero haver-te inspirat. I si vols intercanviar ATCs amb mi, fes-m'ho saber amb un comentari a sota. 

Que tinguis un bonic dia!


House bank for Laura

Hi there!

Laura is one of my best friends and I really love her. She is an amazing person, always organizing things for the rest of the group. We want to do a class all together? She finds the place, calls the shop and do all the stuff. We are a group of 24 womens so there's always questions: "do they have a bathroom?" or "should we bring or own power strips?". She contacts the shop as many times we need. We are going to a restaurant all together? She takes care of everything. There is a class in Barcelona with Vicky Papaioannou? Laura does all the work! And then, we are asking all the time the same questions to her... "what time did you say that we must be in the restaurant?". She is always there for us with an smile and the only thing she wants is that we spend an amazing day together.

So, I decided to make something for her as a way to say thank you and I found a wood house bank in a shop and I thought inmediately in Laura. The roof is painted with chalk paints and the rest of the house is decorated with a beautiful Maja Designs paper collection. I gave it to her this saturday and she loved it. I also told her that now she has something to save some money to come to Denmark and visit me. We both cried a little bit . Here you have some pictures and the video of how I decorated the house. Hope you like it and get inspired. The list of suplies is at the end. Have a nice day!


La Laura és una de les meves millors amigues i me l'estimo moltíssim. És una persona fantàstica, sempre organitzant coses per la resta del grup. Que volem fer una classe totes juntes? Ella troba el lloc, truca a la botiga i fa tota la resta. Som un grup de 24 dones així que sempre hi ha preguntes:"tenen lavabo?" o "hem de portar les nostres pròpies regletes elèctriques?". Ella contacta amb la botiga tantes vegades com ens calgui. Que anem a un restaurant a menjar juntes? Ella s'encarrega de tot. Que hi ha una classe a Barcelona amb la Vicky Papaioannou? La Laura fa tota la feina! I després, no fem més que preguntar-li les mateixes coses tota l'estona... "a quina hora haviem d'estar al restaurant?". Ella sempre està allà per nosaltres amb un somriure i la única cosa que vol és que passem un dia fantàstic totes juntes.

Així que, vaig decidir fer-li alguna coseta per donar-li les gràcies i vaig trobar una guardiola de fusta en forma de casa en una botiga e inmediatament vaig pensar en la Laura. La teulada està pintada amb pintures de guix i la resta està decorat amb uns papers preciosos d'una col·lecció de Maja Designs. Li vaig donar aquest dissabte i li va encantar. Li vaig dir que ara té una guardiola per estalviar diners per venir a Dinamarca a visitar-me. Vam plorar una miqueta . Aquí tens unes quantes fotos i un vídeo de com vaig decorar la caseta. Espero que t'agradi i que t'inspiri. La llista de materials està al final. Que tinguis un bon dia! 

- Chalk Paint Orita: 10 - Cereza
- Maja Designs: Summertime
- Tim Holtz: Village Brownstone & Village Bungalow


Door sign for my Scraproom

Hi there!

I have almost all my door at home with signs (not made by me): the bedrom, the toilett, the kitchen... and I also wanted to have one for my Scraproom so ,when I travelled two weeks ago to Barcelona, I bought in the convention a lot of  wood stuff to made one. I must say that I saw one (for a little girl bedrom) similar than the one I made. I took a picture because I fall in love with it.

I have painted the big piece with two different chalk paints and the small ones with acrylic. Hope you like it and get inspired. Have a nice day!


Tinc gairebé totes les portes de casa amb senyals (no fetes per mi): l'habitació, el bany, la cuina... I també volia tenir una per la meva Scraproom així que, quan vaig viatjar a Barcelona fa dues setmanes, vaig comprar al Creativa una pila de cosetes de fusta per fer-ne una. He de dir que vaig veure'n una (per l'habitació d'una nena) similar a la que he fet. Li vaig fer una foto perquè me'n vaig enamorar.

He pintat la peça gran amb dos tipus diferents de "chalk paint" i les peces petites amb pintures acríliques. Espero que t'agradi i que t'inspiri. Que tinguis un bonic dia!


Bookmarks for Cesca

Hi there!

One of my best friends, Cesca, collaborates with ONGs to help people (specially kids) with diseases. She is an amazing woman! One of the many ways that she tries to get money is by selling things. So, to collaborate in the distance, I decided to make some bookmarks so she could sell them and get some money to help a little boy.

You can watch a video of the process down below. Also, I'm so sorry, but I was so concentrated doing the bookmarks that I forget to take a single picture of them, but you will see them in the video. The supply list is at the end. Hope you like it and get inspired. Have fun and enjoy the video!


Una de les meves millors amigues, la Cesca, col·labora amb ONGs per ajudar a gent (especialment nens) amb enfermetats. És una dona maravellosa! Una de les moltes maneres en que intenta recollir diners és venen coses. Així que per col·laborar a la distància, vaig decidir fer uns punts de llibre perquè ella els pugui vendre i obtenir diners per ajudar a un nen petit.

A sota tens un vídeo del procés. També, em sap greu, però estava tan concentrada fent-los que em vaig oblidar de fer una simple foto dels punts de llibre, però els veuràs en el video. La llista dels materials està al final. Espero que t'agradi i que t'inspiri. Diverteix-te i disfruta del vídeo!

- Avery Elle: Bookmark
- Mama Elephant: Bear Hugs & Cub Cuddles
- Archival Ink: Jet Black 
- Derwent Inktense pencils


Creativa Barcelona and shadow box class!

Hi there!

As I told you in my last entry, I went to Barcelona for some days to visit friends and family, but also because there was a convention (Creativa Barcelona) that I like to attend every year. The convention is four days long and is not only about scrapbooking. There are also stands with sewing products, crochet and knit, ... This year I bought a lot of wood things (that you will see done in future publications on my blog) and a lot of chalk paints. Also a lot of scrapbooking things, of course! I'm so happy with all my purchases. I went to the convention with my friends and I had a lot of fun too.

On Friday morning, my friend Lydia and I, teached a class for 20 people (not in the convention, in Blokum, a scrapbooking shop in Barcelona). She teached how to make the beautiful canvas with a bicycle and I a Christmas shadow box. We had a lot of fun! The girls couldn't finish both projects because there was a lot to do and we didn't have enough time, but we spend a nice morning togheter. Also the girls from the shop were really amazing and sweet.

You know what? Take a look at the pictures below and enjoy it.

See you soon!


Tal com et vaig dir a la meva última entrada, me'n vaig anar a Barcelona uns quants dies per visitar els amics i la familia, però també perquè hi ha una fira (el Creativa Barcelona) a la que m'agrada assistir cada any. La fira dura quatre dies i no és només sobre scrapbooking. També hi ha stands amb productes de costura, ganxet, mitja, ... Aquest any he comprat una pila de coses de fusta (que veuràs fetes en futures publicacions en el blog) i una pila de chalk paints. També una pila de coses d'scrapbooking, per descomptat! Estic molt contenta amb totes les meves compres. Vaig anar a la fira amb les amigues i ens ho vam passar molt bé. 

El dissabte pel matí, la meva amiga Lydia i jo, vam donar una classe per 20 persones (no a la fira sinó a Blokum, una botiga d'scrapbooking a Barcelona). Ella va explicar com fer un preciós canves amb una bicicleta i jo una shadow box de Nadal. Ens vam divertir moltíssim! Les noies no van poder acabar cap dels dos projectes perquè hi havia molta feina per fer i no vam tenir temps suficient, però vam passar un bon matí juntes. Les noies de la botiga van ser super maques i dolces.

Saps què? Et deixo amb les fotos a sota perquè vegis com ens ho vam passar. Fins aviat!


Christmas Shadow Box

Hi there!

Next monday I'm going to travel to Barcelona to visit my family and friends (and to celebrate Christmas in advance, because for Christmas I will be in Denmark). I don't like to fly but I do like to travel, so I'm preparing things to distract myself while I fly. Next week there is a scrapbooking convention in Barcelona and I'm so happy to go. Also I'm going to do a class to more than 20 people and they are going to learn how to make this beautiful Christmas Shadow Box that I made. I'm so excited (and I just can't hide it! I'm about to lose control and I think I like it!).

Here you have some pictures of the project. Hope you like it as much as I do! See you soon!


El pròxim dilluns volaré a Barcelona per visitar a la meva familia i amics (i per celebrar el Nadal per avançat, ja que per Nadal estaré a Dinamarca). No m'agrada gens volar però si viatjar, així que estic preparant una pila de coses per distreure'm durant el vol. La setmana que vé hi ha la fira Creativa a Barcelona i em fa molta il·lusió anar. També donaré una classe a més de 20 persones i apendran com fer aquesta bonica Shadow Box de Nadal que he fet. Estic molt emocionada! 

Aquí et deixo unes quantes fotos del projecte. Espero que t'agradi tant com a mi. Fins aviat! 



Art Journal - Live the life you've imagined

Hi there,

Here I am with another Art Journal page. Hope you are enjoying the videos as much as I'm enjoing doing the AJ pages, because I think there will be more coming. I made a big mispelling (BIG, I must say) while I was doing this page. While I was editing the video I realized that I wrote "live the LIVE", so after a heart attack (I'm joking... or not... xD), I decided to die cut the letters as in the word "imagined" and glue them on top of the word "LIVE". By the way... I must confess that I made another misspelling (yeaaaaaaaaaaah, why not?) while I was writing "imagined". I wrote "imaginn" when I realized about the two Ns and decided to die cut the letters. But this is not recorded... muahahaha!!! (put an evil face here). Anyway, I hope you like the video. I had a lot of fun making this page (besides the misspellings moments, of course). I took me about two hours to color the Sirena and is not recorded, for obvious reasons... so the video is just 13 minuts long.

The supply list is at the end. Hope you like it and get inspired. Have fun and enjoy the video!


Aquí estic amb una altra pàgina d'Art Journal. Espero que estiguis disfrutant dels videos tant com jo fent les pàgines d'AJ, perquè em sembla que en faré més. He comès una gran falta d'ortografia (GRAN, més ben dit) mentres estava fent la plana. Mentres estava editant el video m'he adonat que havia escrit "live the live" ("viu la viu" enlloc de "viu la vida"), així que després d'un atac de cor (estic de broma... o no... xD), he decidit troquelar les lletres tal com havia fet a la paraula "imagined" i enganxar-les a sobre de la paraula "LIVE". Per cert, he de confessar que he fet una altra falta d'ortografia (yeaaaaaaaaaaaah, perquè no?) mentres estava escrivint "imagined". He escrit "imaginn" quan m'he adonat que havia escrit dues Ns i he decidit troquelar les lletres. Però això no està gravat... muahahahaha!! (cara de dimoni). De qualsevol manera, espero que el vídeo t'agradi. M'he divertit molt fent aquesta pàgina (apart dels moments en els que he fet les faltes, esclar). M'ha portat unes dues hores colorejar la sirena i no està gravat, per raons òbvies... així que el vídeo dura només 13 minuts. 

La llista dels materials està al final. Espero que t'agradi i que t'inspiri. Diverteix-te i disfruta del vídeo!

Plus Color acrylic paint: Primary blue, Turquoise.
- Stamperia stencil: Texture Cerchi 
- Visible image: grunge polka dot stamp
- Distress Inks: Blueprint sketch 
- Archival Ink: Jet Black, Garden Patina
- Derwent Inktense pencils
- Lawn Fawn: Cole's ABCs
- Prima Marketing: Sirena


Christmas Pillow Box

Hi there!

I bought some little gifts for this Christmas but I didnt' have a nice box to put them, so I made four pillow boxes decorated with poinsettias. I cut the poinsettia with my Cameo. This is the only thing that you will not see in the video. The pillow boxes are really easy to assemble and you can decorate them as you please. It is a die that can be used all year round. I hope my family likes them! And also the little gifts inside.

The supply list is at the end. Hope you like it and get inspired. Have fun and enjoy the video!


Vaig comprar uns regalets per aquest Nadal i no tenia una caixeta bonica per posar-los, així que he fet quatre caixetes amb poinsetties. Les poinsetties les he tallat amb la Cameo, és la única part que no veuràs en el video. Les caixetes son molt fàcils de montar i les pots decorar com t'agradin. Es un troquel que es pot fer servir per tot l'any. Espero que a la meva familia els hi agradin! I també el petit regalet que hi ha a dins.

La llista dels materials està al final. Espero que t'agradi i que t'inspiri. Diverteix-te i disfruta del vídeo!

- Lawn Fawn: Pillow Box
- Cameo: Poinsettia
- Distress Inks: Fired Brick & Peeled Paint
- Spectrum Noir Sparkle: Rose Quartz


Art Journal - Autumn, the season that...

Hi there,

I made another (three in a row!) Art Journal page. I found the inspiration in the leaves that have fallen in my garden. I picked a few to compare the colors with the samples that I made with my Paper Artsy's Infusions. I'm really satisfied with the result. The supply list is at the end. Hope you like it and get inspired. Have fun and enjoy the video!


He fet una altra (tres seguides!) pàgina d'Art Journal. Vaig trobar la inspiració en les fulles que havien caigut en el meu jardí. Vaig agafar unes quantes per comparar els colors amb les mostres que m'havia fet amb les meves Infusions de Paper Artsy. Estic molt contenta amb el resultat. La llista dels materials està al final. Espero que t'agradi i que t'inspiri. Diverteix-te i disfruta del vídeo!

- Paper Artsy: Infusions
- Distress Inks: wild honey, vintage photo & walnut stain
- Faber-Castell: Pitt Brush Pens (black & brown)
- Archival ink: Dandelion. 
- Lawn Fawn: Stitched leaves & small stitched leaves


Art Journal - Do more of what makes you happy

Hi there,

I made another Art Journal page. This is addictive! Today's video is a little bit shorter (and extremely faster). I also changed the subtitles, I think they look better now. Everything is short today, even this text. Enjoy the video! The supply list is at the end. Hope you like it and get inspired. Have fun!


He fet una altra pàgina d'Art Journal. Això és adictiu! El video d'avuí és una mica més curt (i extremadament ràpid). També he canviat els subtítols, em sembla que es veuen millor ara. Avuí tot és curt, fins i tot aquest text. Disfruta del vídeo! La llista dels materials està al final. Espero que t'agradi i que t'inspiri. Diverteix-te!


- Dylusions paint
- Posca white/blanc  
- WPlus9: Bountiful Blooms
- Lawn Fawn: Louie's ABCs


Art Journal - Feel the fear and do it anyway

Hi there!

This is my first Art Journal page... or well, the first one you see as I made a few about a year ago. Today's one is inspired by Vicky Papaioannou's work, with whom I made the first page in the notebook last month in Barcelona. It was amazing!!

I had a lot of fun making today's page and the quote means a lot to me. By the way, I have a new camera, thanks to my boyfriend, so I hope you appreciate the difference between today's video image quality and the videos before. The supply list is at the end. Hope you like it and get inspired. Have fun!


Aquesta és la meva primera pàgina d'Art Journal... o bé, la primera que veus, perquè en vaig fer algunes fa un any. La pàgina d'avuí està inspirada en la feina de la Vicky Papaionnou, amb qui vaig fer la primera pàgina de la llibreta, a Barcelona, fa un mes. Va ser genial!! 

M'ho he passat molt bé fent la pàgina d'avuí i la cita significa molt per mi. Per cert, tinc una càmera nova, gràcies al meu xicot, així que espero que vegis la diferència entre la qualitat d'imatge del video d'avuí i els anteriors. La llista dels materials està al final. Espero que t'agradi i que t'inspiri. Diverteix-te!

- Dylusions paint
- Lawn Fawn: Critters in costumes, flower border, leafy tree backdrop: portrait 
- Posca white/blanc
- Spectrum Noir
- Faber-Castell Pitt brush pens
- Archival Inks
- Gesso, gel medium, modelling paste.


"I'm here for you" card

Hi there,

I'm in love with Paper Artsy's stamps! I made a cute card and the matching envelop with these two sets and I think they are very versatile for cards or Mix Media. I also made a video. Yay! The supply list is at the end. Hope you like it and get inspired. Have fun!


Estic enamorada dels segells de Paper Artsy! He fet una postal bufona i el sobre a conjunt amb aquests dos sets de segells i crec que son molt versàtils per postals o Mix Media. També he fet un video. Visca! La llista dels materials està al final. Espero que t'agradi i que t'inspiri. Diverteix-te!

- Colored with Derwent inktense pencils.
- Paper Artsy rubber stamps: Eclectica Kim Kellow 01 & Eclectica Kim Dellow 02 
- Ranger Archival Ink: Jet Black


Gate folded card

Hi there!

A week ago, Jennifer McGuire posted in her blog a tutorial which included a video on how to make a gate folded card. I loved it (thanks Jennifer for sharing!!) so I made one myself (and a video too!). I used the same measurements but converting to centimeters. I don't remember where I bought the border die but you can use whatever you have for this.

By the way, I know that my camera is having problems focusing. It seems that the table is to close for the normal focus and too far for using the macro option. I´ll try to fix it soon but, in the meantime, I hope you don't mind to watch the videos in a not-so-good quality. I'm really sorry! :-(

The supply list is at the end. Hope you like it and get inspired. Have fun!


Fa una setmana, la Jennifer McGuire va publicar en el seu blog un tutorial que incloïa un video de com fer una postal de porta. Em va encantar (gràcies Jennifer per compartir!) així que n'he fet una. He fet servir les mateixes mesures que ella però en centímetres. No recordo on vaig comprar el troquel del marge, però pots fer servir un altre que tinguis. 

Per cert, ja sé que la meva càmera no està gravant massa bé. Sembla ser que no és una bona càmera per gravar coses de molt aprop. Espero poder-ho arreglar aviat i mentrestant espero que no t'importi veure els videos en una qüalitat no massa bona. Em sap greu! :-(

La llista dels materials està al final. Espero que t'agradi i que t'inspiri. Diverteix-te!

- WPlus9:
- Wink of Stella
- Colored with: Spectrum noir


Fence postcard

Hi there,

I bought some dies and stamps from Taylored Expressions and I made a card this morning with them. Mmm... I don't know what else can I explain, so... enjoy the video!

The supply list is at the end. Hope you like it and get inspired. Have fun!


M'he comprat uns troquels i segells de Taylored Expressions i he fet una postal aquest matí. Mmm... no sé què més puc esplicar-te així que... disfruta del vídeo!

La llista dels materials està al final. Espero que t'agradi i que t'inspiri. Diverteix-te!

- Taylored Expressions: Garden arbor and gateArbor accessories and Lovely Landscape
- Lawn Fawn: Spring Showers and Grassy Border
- Derwent Inktense pencils (watercolor pencils): 1560 Fern, 1600 Leaf Green, 320 Scarlet Pink, 510 Cherry, 2200 Ink Black.
- Distress ink pad: Tumbled Glass, Shabby Shutters and Forest Most


Romantic Country coloring book

Hi there!

A few days ago I bought an (another!) adult coloring book that I felt in love with: Romantic Country. I showed it to my friends and they asked me for more pictures or a video. So I made a video (they ask, they get). The video is in Catalan for two reasons: first, Catalan is my mother tongue; second, my friends are Catalan. Hope you don't mind!

Anyway, what I explain in the video is just how much I like it. The author is a Japanese girl called Eriy but the book is in english. She drew the entire book using toothpicks (700 hundred!). The book is based on an imaginary land that she loved to fantasize with when she was a child. The paper is really good quality for coloring pencils and (if you are extremely careful with the amount of water) you can also use watercolor pencils. I do not recommend using alcohol markers (like Copics, Spectrum Noir, etc) because the paper is printed in both sides.

The author has two more books. One is going to be for sale at the end of the year but not sure when the third one will be. Here you have some more information about Eiry:
Homepage (in japanese): http://cocot-eriy.jimdo.com/
Blog (in japanese): http://yaplog.jp/eriy_cafe/
Instagram: Eriy06

The supply list is at the end. Hope you like it and get inspired. Have fun!


Fa uns dies em vaig comprar un llibre de colorejar per adults (un altre!) del que me n'he enamorat: Romantic Country. Els hi vaig ensenyar a les amigues i em van demanar mes fotos o un video. Així que els hi he fet un video (elles demanen i jo els hi faig). El video és en català perquè és la meva llengua materna i perquè les meves amigues son catalanes. 

Més informació sobre l'autora:
Web(en japonès): http://cocot-eriy.jimdo.com/
Blog (en japonès): http://yaplog.jp/eriy_cafe/
Instagram: Eriy06 

La llista dels materials està al final. Espero que t'agradi i que t'inspiri. Diverteix-te!

- Amazon UK:  Romantic Country
- Amazon ES:  Romantic Country


Layout for Cesca

Hi there,

As I told you in my last entry, I went to Barcelona in May to visit my family and friends. Also I spent a weekend in Rasquera (a catalan town) where one of my friends, Cesca, has a big house. We were 24 people so its a huge old house full of vintage things that makes it so cozy. As a way to say thanks to her and how much we appreciate that she invited us into her home, we bought her some presents and also we made her an album full of LOs. Each one of us made a LO with the requirement that it must have a picture of the person who made it, so she will always remember us. This is the one that I made. It's my first LO! One of the girls made an amazing wooden box and she also decorated it. We put all the presents inside and the album was the last one she opened. She had no words... was completely surprised and amazed. It was the best moment of the weekend! Thank you Cesca for all that you do! I love you from the bottom of my heart.

The supply list is at the end. Hope you like it and get inspired. Have fun!


Com us vaig explicar a la meva última entrada, vaig anar a Barcelona al maig a visitar a la familia i les amigues. També vaig passar el cap de setmana a Rasquera, on una de les meves amigues, la Cesca, té una casa molt gran. Erem 24 així que la casa és enorme plena d'antiguitats que la fan molt acollidora. Per donar-li les gracies i lo molt que apreciem que ens convidés a casa seva, li vam comprar uns regals i també li vam fer un album ple de "Layouts" (LO). Cada una de nosaltres va fer un LO amb el requisit que havia de tenir una foto de l'autora de manera que així sempre ens recordaria. Aquest de la foto es el que li vaig fer jo. És el meu primer LO! Una de les noies li va fer una fabulosa caixa de fusta que li va decorar. Vam posar tots els regals a dintre i l'album va ser l'últim que va obrir. Es va quedar sense paraules, estava completament sorpresa i meravellada. Va ser el millor moment del cap de setmana! Gràcies Cesca per tot el que fas, t'estimo desde el fons del meu cor.

La llista dels materials està al final. Espero que t'agradi i que t'inspiri. Diverteix-te!

 - Lawn Fawn: pink lemonade single cord and Coral paper from the collection Beachside.
- American Crafts: Dear Lizzy Neapolitan.


Prima watercolor coloring book

Hi there,

After publishing my last entry a friend of mine asked me "where is the video? I can't find it!". I told her that there was no video so she asked me if I could make one coloring something. So I have decided to record myself coloring one of the pages of the Prima Marketing Watercolor coloring book. In the video I also show you the full book, in case you are interested. The book is amazing, it has 24 sheet of drawings in a really good quality watercolor paper. I used my Derwent Inktense pencils to color it.

I recorded 3 hours and the final edited video is less than 14 minutes long, so as you can imagine, you will not see all the process but I hope you like it and get inspired (the video is at the end). Have fun!


Després de publicar la meva última entrada una amiga em va preguntar "on està el vídeo? No el trobo!". Li vaig dir que no hi havia video així que em va preguntar si en podria fer un pintant. Així que he decidit grabarme pintant una de les pàgines del Prima Marketing Watercolor coloring book. En el vídeo també t'ensenyo el llibre sencer, en cas de que estiguis interessat/ada. El llibre és xulíssim, té 24 planes de dibuixos en paper d'aquarel·la de bona qüalitat. He fet servir els meus Derwent Inktense llapissos per colorejar-ho.

He grabat 3 hores i el vídeo final és de menys de 14 minuts de durada, així que com pots imaginar, no veuràs tot el procés però espero que t'agradi i que t'inspiri. Diverteix-te!



Hi there,

In May I traveled to Barcelona to visit my family and friends. Also I spent the weekend in Rasquera (a Catalan town) with my scrapbooking friends. We had looooooooooooooooots of fun! It was an amazing weekend full of happiness, joy, laughs and scrapbooking. And a lot of tears at the time to say goodbye. I made some notebooks as a gift for them but, as I didn't have enought time to make one for each, I made a raffle. The ones that didn't get a notebook, got a little present. Here are some pictures of the notebooks that I made. The last one was a present for my cousin.

There will not be supply list is at the end this time but still hope you like them and get inspired. Have fun!


Al maig vaig viatjar a Barcelona per visitar la familia i amics. També vaig passar un cap de setmana a Rasquera amb les meves amigues d'scrapbooking. Ens ho vam passar moooooooooooolt bé! Va ser un fantàstic cap de setmana ple de felicitat, alegria, riures i scrapbooking. I una pila de llàgrimes en el moment de les despedides. Vaig fer algunes llibretes de regal per elles però, com que no tenia suficient temps per fer-ne una per cada una, vaig fer un sorteig. Les que no van rebre una llibreta, van rebre un petit regalet. Aquí tens algunes fotos de les llibretes que vaig fer. L'última va ser un regal per la meva cosina.

No hi haurà llista dels materials està al final aquesta vegada, però espero que t'agradin i que t'inspirin. Diverteix-te!