Hi there,
As I told you in my last entry, I went to Barcelona in May to visit my family and friends. Also I spent a weekend in Rasquera (a catalan town) where one of my friends, Cesca, has a big house. We were 24 people so its a huge old house full of vintage things that makes it so cozy. As a way to say thanks to her and how much we appreciate that she invited us into her home, we bought her some presents and also we made her an album full of LOs. Each one of us made a LO with the requirement that it must have a picture of the person who made it, so she will always remember us. This is the one that I made. It's my first LO! One of the girls made an amazing wooden box and she also decorated it. We put all the presents inside and the album was the last one she opened. She had no words... was completely surprised and amazed. It was the best moment of the weekend! Thank you Cesca for all that you do! I love you from the bottom of my heart.
The supply list is at the end. Hope you like it and get inspired. Have fun!
Com us vaig explicar a la meva última entrada, vaig anar a Barcelona al maig a visitar a la familia i les amigues. També vaig passar el cap de setmana a Rasquera, on una de les meves amigues, la Cesca, té una casa molt gran. Erem 24 així que la casa és enorme plena d'antiguitats que la fan molt acollidora. Per donar-li les gracies i lo molt que apreciem que ens convidés a casa seva, li vam comprar uns regals i també li vam fer un album ple de "Layouts" (LO). Cada una de nosaltres va fer un LO amb el requisit que havia de tenir una foto de l'autora de manera que així sempre ens recordaria. Aquest de la foto es el que li vaig fer jo. És el meu primer LO! Una de les noies li va fer una fabulosa caixa de fusta que li va decorar. Vam posar tots els regals a dintre i l'album va ser l'últim que va obrir. Es va quedar sense paraules, estava completament sorpresa i meravellada. Va ser el millor moment del cap de setmana! Gràcies Cesca per tot el que fas, t'estimo desde el fons del meu cor.
llista dels materials està al final. Espero que t'agradi i que t'inspiri. Diverteix-te!
- Lawn Fawn: pink lemonade single cord and Coral paper from the collection Beachside.
- American Crafts: Dear Lizzy Neapolitan.
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