
Romantic Country coloring book

Hi there!

A few days ago I bought an (another!) adult coloring book that I felt in love with: Romantic Country. I showed it to my friends and they asked me for more pictures or a video. So I made a video (they ask, they get). The video is in Catalan for two reasons: first, Catalan is my mother tongue; second, my friends are Catalan. Hope you don't mind!

Anyway, what I explain in the video is just how much I like it. The author is a Japanese girl called Eriy but the book is in english. She drew the entire book using toothpicks (700 hundred!). The book is based on an imaginary land that she loved to fantasize with when she was a child. The paper is really good quality for coloring pencils and (if you are extremely careful with the amount of water) you can also use watercolor pencils. I do not recommend using alcohol markers (like Copics, Spectrum Noir, etc) because the paper is printed in both sides.

The author has two more books. One is going to be for sale at the end of the year but not sure when the third one will be. Here you have some more information about Eiry:
Homepage (in japanese): http://cocot-eriy.jimdo.com/
Blog (in japanese): http://yaplog.jp/eriy_cafe/
Instagram: Eriy06

The supply list is at the end. Hope you like it and get inspired. Have fun!


Fa uns dies em vaig comprar un llibre de colorejar per adults (un altre!) del que me n'he enamorat: Romantic Country. Els hi vaig ensenyar a les amigues i em van demanar mes fotos o un video. Així que els hi he fet un video (elles demanen i jo els hi faig). El video és en català perquè és la meva llengua materna i perquè les meves amigues son catalanes. 

Més informació sobre l'autora:
Web(en japonès): http://cocot-eriy.jimdo.com/
Blog (en japonès): http://yaplog.jp/eriy_cafe/
Instagram: Eriy06 

La llista dels materials està al final. Espero que t'agradi i que t'inspiri. Diverteix-te!

- Amazon UK:  Romantic Country
- Amazon ES:  Romantic Country

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